Trees of Transition

Comfort for people going through life transitions by sharing thoughts, photos, cards, and recipes.

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A year on Etsy–Thanks to Those of You Who Have Stopped by!

Thanks to those of you who have supported TreesofTransitionArt on Etsy this year! Last spring I showed a friend my pressed flower cards, and she was drawn instead to the few photo cards I had there–the vivid colors and unique perspectives. Her feedback sent me in a much more successful direction: I’ve pulled from my years of photographs, and turned them into cards!

My Trees of Transition family tree is really growing, and I appreciate you being part of it.

  1. What is Etsy? It’s an online shop site for anyone in the world to sell their handcrafts, designs, and beautiful art. It’s so exciting to see jewelry designed in Israel, crocheted dolls from Europe, or wedding dresses from Asia.
  2. If you want to see it for yourself, my shop is located:   I offer uniquely designed 3-ring binders,  small and large greeting cards (featuring my photos), and some pressed flower art. Let me know what you think!
  3. There has been 2,600 views on the 80 plus items that grew from about a dozen cards when I started. Next month, the shop will be one year old. If you are an Etsy fan, please take the time to follow my shop in order to see things hot off the presses.
  4. Each quarter, my shop gives a percentage of the profits to people going through life transitions. Until the end of March, 25% of the profits goes to Monica McGrath, who mentors teenage mothers in Chicago through the Young Lives program. For April-June, the 25% will go toward mother’s and babies in transition.
  5. If you would like to start your OWN Etsy shop, please use this code to get 40 free listings to start a shop of your own (and I’ll get 40 listings too! So thank you. 🙂  ). The code is:

Thank you for reading, commenting, and enjoying my photography and words.

Have a great weekend! (It’s time for me to go take a run.)

-Mary Hope

Copyright 2016


Sharing Art and Increasing Generosity: How To Start An Etsy Shop


Have a quirkly scarf you like to crochet or images you enjoy painting and desire to sell some? Creating an Etsy online shop might be just what you need! lets you create a shop and list your items for minimal fees, so if you are  a tiny business wanting to see if there is a market for your items or an established business desiring to connect with customers all over the world, start an Etsy shop!

Last winter while I mopped the animal hospital where I work part-time, I received inspiration to give some of the profits of my shop to non-profit organizations that help people transition well through life.

In March of 2015 Trees of Transition Art and Design launched into the world market with a couple of paintings, some pressed flower note cards and wall art, and a few other greeting cards. Now my site has grown to include bright nature photography on greeting cards and framed from places like Costa Rica, Michigan, and many other places all over the United States.

Several friends have asked me about how I’ve started this little shop, and now I’ll tell you more… Continue reading


Creative Explosion

The card factory was lively today! So much fun working with paper, photos, glue, and words.

See some of these cards up for purchase soon at

Take some time today to so something creative!

By M. H. Campbell

Copyright 2015


The Little Girl Arrived!

I sent off this crocheted baby blanket to a friend the day the baby girl arrived!
I crocheted a chain stitch the length I wanted, counted four stitches in, then did seven triple crochet stitches in that hole. I anchored it, counted four stitches, and did it on both sides of the crocheted chain. Next I started doing only five triple crocheted stitches in all the rest of the rows back and forth until it was long enough. This is a great way to make blankets!

By M. H. Campbell Copyright 2014